How can I drive traffic to my relationship blog? |More traffic | increase traffic| get more traffic

10 ways to Drive traffic to on my Relationship Blog.

1. Find a Niche It might be a little late if your blog has been operational for a while, but it would definitely be beneficial to evaluate the market you’re in. If you find a niche that’s less competitive, it’ll be easier for you to be recognized.

2. Search Engine Optimization Once your niche is set up, you should make sure your website is optimized for search engines. This means that they will list your website closer to the top of the list of results. Again, if you’ve found a niche, you’re more likely to top the list than if you have thousands or hundreds of thousands of fierce competitors.
3. Reward Your Readers For loyal customers and visitors, give them deals on other people’s products or your own products. People will come back not only because they were impressed with your generosity, but also on the off-chance that you’re giving something away again.

4. Update Regularly There’s almost nothing as important as regularly updating your blog. What motivation do people have to come back to your blog day after day if they see it’s never updated? If you can’t do it every day, tell your readers that you update on certain days, and then follow through.
5. Social Bookmarking Sites like Digg are a blogger’s best friend. They make it possible for an unknown blog to suddenly have hundreds of thousands of unique visitors. Post your blog regularly on these type of sites, or encourage your readers to do so when they like something you wrote.

6. Networking Bloggers don’t blog in a vacuum. Unlike many activities, where people tend to view things as “survival of the fittest”, bloggers benefit from interacting with each other. If you are linking to another person’s blog, and they link to yours, you are both sharing your user base. Assuming you both have the same number, you have essentially doubled your traffic with a link here and there.
7. Social Networking Sites If you truly believe in your blog, you should have no trouble asking friends on Facebook to check it out. You should also have a Twitter and MySpace since you’re hitting different demographics and you can communicate with your fans and visitors on those media.

8. Affiliate Marketing This is one effective way of monetizing your blog, and it also lets you potentially attract more people who are interested in that type of product.
9. The Layout While having a beautiful site means nothing without good content, traffic to your blog is more likely to stick around if the blog looks professional and inviting.

10. The Content Focus on delivering the highest-quality content you can. People will be more likely to tell their friends about it and come back for more.


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